Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Plateia Mavili : It's rarely the place where you set out to go, but it's always the place you end up!

On Saturday morning, enjoying a cup of coffee with Giorgio and Sofia, we were remembering the laughs we had at Briki. We must do it again soon!
And that’s when I thought of this very special place, plateia Mavili. It’s a place with a special vibe, especially late in the day or at night; a place where Athens still feels familiar.
Plateia Mavili is my favorite because, even though it’s not a beautiful spot, it’s rather a very ordinary place that hasn’t gained its reputation thanks to its particular town planning, architecture or shops, It’s a place where there’s no specific behavior or dress code imposed – there’s democracy in ages, social class, moods.
“Alternative” best describes the Mavilli ambience. That, and its easy mix of people - it is as popular among high school or university students as it is among us, their parents.
It is at the “verge” of neighborhoods and styles, without clarifying where exactly it belongs or what it stands for. It’s this refusal to be typed that defines Mavilli, a stubborn independence of trends.
Plateia Mavili never rests. From daybreak, after a wild party night, at the cantina or at Everest, the stomach saviors of the night birds, to the morning coffees for the hasty passers by before going to work, to the night drinks, the plateia welcomes you as you are!
I can always remember myself being there, without ever setting an appointment to spend the evening there. For me it’s always the spot for a drink before going to the opera or to the theater, the spot for a quick snack, a meeting point…
The “square” was not designed as a meeting point; the triangular plaza was shaped to guide traffic turning off Vassilissis Sophias but became the focal point of the surrounding neighborhood–and, in one sense, the city’s nightlife.
Real drinkers don’t dine: they nosh. Mavilli is true to its reputation for near the triangle’s point is the famous cantina, with what connoisseurs of the kind claim is the best vromiko–the famous greasy souvlaki, sausage sandwiches!

Monday, 28 November 2011

Hearts for all!

During the last few years, he’s given back life and hope to 9000 children all around the world!
His only fee is the smile that returns to their cute faces.
The prominent heart surgeon, Dr Afxentios Kalagos is the living proof that the human race still cares.
His name is associated with the successful heart operations on many suffering poor children in Lebanon, Serbia, India, Morocco, Algeria, Mozambique, Madagascar, Venezuela, Ukraine, Botswana… He is the doctor of the poor children.
Founder of the humanitarian association “Hearts for all”, the good Greek doctor, along with his team, operates for free on children in poor neighborhoods all over the world, children that have been anxiously waiting for months, even for years for a heart operation.
The person who showed him the way to charity, as he says, was his father, a doctor himself, who taught him the noble task of listening to human pain, especially of those who live in poverty.
Doctor Kalagos is father of two sons, but also father of 9000 poor angels who didn’t have access to a free public healthcare system in their countries, to whom he selflessly gave back their heartbeat and the right to breathe!

Monday, 21 November 2011

I belong to a small country

«Ανήκω σε µία χώρα μικρή.
Ένα πέτρινο ακρωτήρι στη Μεσόγειο, που δεν έχει άλλο αγαθό παρά τον αγώνα του λαού, τη θάλασσα, και το φώς του ήλιου.
Είναι μικρός ο τόπος µας, αλλά η παράδοσή του είναι τεράστια και το πράγμα που τη χαρακτηρίζει είναι ότι µας παραδόθηκε χωρίς διακοπή.
Η ελληνική γλώσσα δεν έπαψε ποτέ της να μιλιέται. Δέχτηκε τις αλλοιώσεις που δέχεται καθετί ζωντανό, αλλά δεν παρουσιάζει κανένα χάσμα.
Άλλο χαρακτηριστικό αυτής της παράδοσης είναι η αγάπη της για την ανθρωπιά, κανόνας της είναι η δικαιοσύνη. Στην αρχαία τραγωδία, την οργανωμένη µε τόση ακρίβεια, ο άνθρωπος που ξεπερνά το μέτρο πρέπει να τιμωρηθεί από τις Ερινύες…
Είναι για µένα σημαντικό το γεγονός ότι η Σουηδία θέλησε να τιμήσει και τούτη την ποίηση και όλη την ποίηση γενικά, ακόμη και όταν αναβρύζει ανάμεσα σ’ένα λαό περιορισμένο. Γιατί πιστεύω πως τούτος ο σύγχρονος κόσμος όπου ζούμε, ο τυραννισμένος από το φόβο και την ανησυχία, τη χρειάζεται την ποίηση.
Η ποίηση έχει τις ρίζες της στην ανθρώπινη ανάσα – και τι θα γινόμασταν αν η πνοή µας λιγόστευε;
Είναι µία πράξη εμπιστοσύνης – κι ένας Θεός το ξέρει αν τα δεινά µας δεν τα χρωστάμε στη στέρηση εμπιστοσύνης…
Σ’ αυτό τον κόσμο, που ολοένα στενεύει, ο καθένας µας χρειάζεται όλους τούς άλλους. Πρέπει ν’ αναζητήσουμε τον άνθρωπο, όπου και να βρίσκεται.
Όταν στο δρόμο της Θήβας, Ο Οιδίπους συνάντησε τη Σφίγγα, κι αυτή του έθεσε το αίνιγμά της, η απόκρισή του ήταν: «ο άνθρωπος». Τούτη η απλή λέξη χάλασε το τέρας. Έχουμε πολλά τέρατα να καταστρέψουμε. Ας συλλογιστούμε την απόκριση του Οιδίποδα.»

(The speech of Giorgos Seferis during the acceptance ceremony of the Nobel of Litterature, on December 11th, 1963 - As if it were addressed today!)

Wednesday, 16 November 2011


300 artists are invited to support the effort by especially creating and donating to SURPRISE 3 a work of art each. All artworks share the same format (18 x 24 cm), are offered for the same, symbolic price (50 €) and are signed at the back. The artists’ identity remains secret and gets revealed only AFTER the artwork is bought! In other words you are in for a SURPRISE!

The artists who are kindly offering their works represent the entire spectrum of artistic practice and the various different stages of an artist’s career. An eclectic mix - from internationally renowned artists to art school students - gets together in order to surprise you and invite you to join and support the noble cause of the exhibition.

The proceeds from the artworks’ sale will be donated for the support of the homeless of Athens and specifically to contribute to the Homeless Support Program of KLIMAKA.

KLIMAKA is a social, nonprofit organization, an important part of which’s work is the support of our co-citizens who live on the streets of in insufficient or inadequate living conditions. The last ten years, KLIMAKA implements an integrated Program, which includes research, prevention, sensitization, community awareness, training and education, street work, coverage of basic subsistence needs (accommodation, food, health care, psychosocial support etc) and work rehabilitation services for the reintegration of homeless people in the social net.

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Athens photo festival in Gazi

The program of Athens Photo Festival 2011 just began on Wednesday and will go on almost until mid November.

Besides the many interesting exhibitions, the program consists of various events such as Athens Photo Inspiration 2011, Photography Nights, Portfolio reviews, Photography as Photography, masterclasses, educational programs for children, volunteer’s programs and special tours.

And don’t forget the video projects, “Performance as photography”, Young Greek Photographers 2011…

Thank you Aggelikoula!

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Jazz with a special guest : the bouzouki!

A phenomenal evening, a magical blending of acoustic guitar and bouzouki!

Either it’s the unlimited staccato sound of the bouzouki or the pure and warm harmonic sound of the guitar, we all fall under the spell of their strings! And last night we witnessed what wonderful sounds of creativity can be produced with some fantasy, some daring compositions and, of course with the two heroes, Al Di Meola and Michali Paouri.

Al Di Meola, a guitar hero, a pioneer of blending world music and Jazz and Michalis Paouris, a virtuoso and master of the dynamic Greek sound, the bouzouki. Last night was the biggest and greatest surprise for me - Michalis Paouris gave the bouzouki a new dimension and travelled us to his wonderful world of music!