21st century Greece… In the end, despite the financial crisis, despite the budget deficit and the eurozone, despite the debt inspectors and the creditors, the corrupt politicians, despite all the bullshit, life is life. We have it for such a short while. We can't pick our economies. We cannot, really, choose the politicians with whom we are lumbered. BUT, we can choose to wake up every day and set an intention: to make it a great day.
Beauty, grace, generosity and style are still present, untouched by everyday problems, it’s just becoming harder to distinguish them, our vision is blurred, our priorities have changed… I do not claim the privilege of grace, I’m just an attentive observer.
This blog is created by a lucky Greek, blessed with the joy of living. I am grateful to be alive, to have my wonderful family and my trustful friends by my side, to be able to enjoy my every moment under the unmatchable Attica sun, to embrace life - and this is what I want to share!
So, here we go…