Monday, 10 October 2011

Step forward!

Step forward!
(I’m simply copying it from the TEDx website…)

This Year we invite dreamers and doers to join us in the conversation about: “Stepping forward”
The ways of the past have led to the colossal challenges of today. Greece is ensnared in a deep crisis of many levels; political, financial, cultural and ethical.
This is a time of rapid change that offers great risk but also the incredible opportunity to transform.
Change happens irrespectively of us wanting it. Transformation though happens only if we have the power to step forward.
So are you going to be a bystander or actively participate to change things for the better?
So unbuckle your imagination to enter the era of possibility, the zone of “what can possibly happen” when we all make a “step forward”.
When we dare to step into the unknown, to risk, to change, to actively participate and create a new trajectory of prosperity and growth on a personal an societal level.
This year we will discuss the dynamics and forces that already have shaped and will continue to reshape our world for the next 20 years.
We will explore the global and radical changes that are shaping our lives. The challenges and opportunities of the deep Greek crisis and our contribution on a personal level as active and responsible citizens by “Stepping Forward”.
How innovation, value systems, art, culture and a new thinking and a doing approach can help us shape a better future for us and the future generations to come.
We will discuss ways of seeing the world and approaching constraints for change that are holistic, interdisciplinary and inspiring....
Its about time for Change in the way we work, we learn, we create, and we live!
Are You Ready to make the Step Forward? The time is Now!!!

Check it out :

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